The department has adopted ICT enabled teaching and is equipped with LED projector in the classroom thereby ensuring student’s exposure to audio-visually enhanced learning platform.
Bridge courses are conducted at the beginning of each year for the first year students to bridge the gap between regular subjects previously studied at school and the mainstream literature and language studies they will be exploring at the UG level.
The class teacher identifies the slow learners and the advanced learners based on their performance. Slow learners are given special remedial classes to ensure their pace and ability to focus and learn improved.
Additionally, all the students of UG & PG courses are exposed to various personality development skills training program, placement training, Value added courses, Soft Skills training programs etc., every year.
Simultaneously, a series of lectures and conferences are arranged throughout the year in which experts in the field of language and literature are invited to speak.
Field trips are arranged each year for the students to receive first-hand knowledge of workings of a Printing Press.
To enrich and enhance participative learning, inter-class and inter-collegiate competitions are regularly conducted that are purely literary in nature which also gives them free rein to dabble with Arts which in turn helps nurture their creative instincts.